

The place for reviews, recommendations, and discussions around Cinema and TV from the Asian continent. Read about TV Shows and Movies, interact with each other in the comment section, and share the content with others on social media.

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Where to Start with K-Drama: A Beginners Guide to Korean-Drama’s

After the first appearance of the term Hallyu or “The Korean Wave”, many forms of Hangul media became popular globally. Following the increase in popularity of Korean pop since the 1980s, Korean drama gained international recognition beginning in the 2010s. If you are a beginner to K-dramas, this article will…

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3 Reasons Why You Need to Watch Shoplifters

Shoplifters is a Japanese movie from 2018 by the director Hirokazu Koreeda. Taking place in the margins of Tokyo, the movie tells the compelling story about the poor non-biological family that functions on loyalty and shoplifting. This article gives you three reasons why you shoul add Shoplifters on your ‘To…

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About the Blog

Cinema Fusion came alive with the thought of sharing and inspiring cinephiles with Movies and TV Shows from the Asian continent.

About Us

Cinema Fusion is a blog site for movie and TV Show lovers.

The purpose is to recommend, review, and discuss movies and TV shows from the Asian continent.


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The Netherlands


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